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FREESTYLE SUP, how to practice it

SUP Freestyle, comment le pratiquer - Quebec SUP

FREESTYLE SUP: how to practice it

Are you a fan of paddle boarding?

So you have probably already heard of SUP Freestyle, a discipline that is still little known but is emerging in the world of water sports.

In this article, we will guide you through theessential techniques and tipsTo master this exciting discipline.

What is SUP Freestyle?

Freestyle SUP, or stand-up paddle freestyle, is a dynamic and creative discipline of stand-up paddle (SUP). It combines the basic techniques of paddle boarding withArtistic and acrobatic movementson the water.

Stand-up paddle freestyle practitioners perform tricks, jumps, and rotations using their board and paddle, often in diverse environments such as calm waters, ocean waves, or rivers.

Features of a good Freestyler


A key component of freestyle SUP is creativity. Enthusiasts of this discipline explore new ways to manipulate the board and play with the water, which can lead toUnique and innovative movements.

Balance and agility

Freestyle SUP requires good balance, strongcoordinationand agility on the board. Practitioners mustbe comfortableTo move quickly and accurately on the water.


Being able to adapt to the changing conditions of the water is important in SUP freestyle. Practitioners must be able toread the waves and currentsand ofadjustadjust their movements accordingly.

How to adopt Freestyle SUP

Be well equipped

In order to practice SUP Freestyle safely, you will need to equip yourself with a paddle board with some specific features.

A board with ashort lengthand aGood widthwill allow for quick movements with stability. Additionally, it should be equipped with a matNon-slipalong its entire length andkick padNon-slipallowing you to stay stable and avoid falls.

Master the basics

Before embarking on freestyle SUP, make sure you have a good grasp of the stand-up paddle basics, including thepaddlingHellobalanceandnavigationon the water.

Train regularly

The key to progressing in freestyle SUP is regular practice. Spend time on the water experimenting with different tricks and movements to improve your skills.

Learn from others

Watch SUP freestyle videos and observe the techniques used by other practitioners. You can learn a lot by watching the best in the discipline.

You can also participate in events to meet passionate people.

Be creative

A key component of freestyle SUP is creativity. Enthusiasts of this discipline explore new ways to manipulate the board and play with the water, which can lead toUnique and innovative movements.

By following these tips and showing determination, you will progress in SUP freestyle, thus discovering anew dimensionof pleasure, personal expression, and adventure. You will be ablepush your limitsand live offUnforgettable experienceson the water.

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